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GB. KEVII 29 vals on leave a302

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Great Britain
Edward VII
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GB King Edward VII 2d O.W. Official SG.O38 MH Well Centered Good Perforation F


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GB KE VII 7d SPECIMEN Type 17 SG.249s MNH Well Centred Good Perforation VF


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SG 267-278 1/2d - 4d Harrison Perf 14 set in Post Office fresh unmounted mint .


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GB SG266, KEVII 1902 £1 Dull Blue-Green,, Fine Used


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Sg 279-284 ½d-4d Full Set 5 Values Harrison perf 15x14 with certs UNMOUNTED MINT


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GB King Edward VII 2.1/2d O.W.Official SG.O39 Used Well Centred Good Perfor. VF


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GB King Edward VII 2.1/2d O.W.Official SG.O39 Used Cds London F


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GB King Edward VII 2.1/2d O.W.Official SG.O39 Used Well Centred Good Perf. VF


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GB King Edward VII 10d NO CROSS DLR SG.254a Used CDs London 1906 Well Centred VF


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GB King Edward VII 2d O.W.Official SG.O38 Used Cds Bradford Well Centred VF


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GB King Edward VII 1/ I.R. Official SG.O24 Used Cds London Well Centred VF


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Great Britain #138a Used Perfins, Lot of 13


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GB King Edward VII 1/2d Board Of Education SG.O83 MNH Well Centered Good Per. VF


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SG314 1/- Green & Carmine UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG255 10d Slate Purple & Carmine UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG311 10d Dull Reddish Purple & Carmine UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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M43(5) 10d Dull Purple & Scarlet UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG255 10d Slate Purple & Carmine UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG287(var) 11/2d Very Deep Reddish Purple & Bright Green UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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Silk's Stamps - Great Britain Scott #140 1902 - $220 Cat.


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GB SG318, 1911 KEVII 1911 5/- Carmine, Used


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SG223 11/2d Pale Dull Purple UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG293 5d Dull Reddish Purple & Brt Blue UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG290 2d Deep Dull Green & Red UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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G B KE VII 5sh CarmineW/Cancel, Sc#140 USED SCV$225+ (GB187)*


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SG245 6d Pale Dull Purple UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG236a Green & Chocolate Brown UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG245 6d Pale Dull Purple UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG292 2d Grey Green & Carmine Red UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG292 2d Grey Green & Carmine Red UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG221 11/2d Dull Purple & Green UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG236 Green & Chocolate Brown UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG240 4d Pale Orange UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG298 6d Reddish Purple UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG245a 6d Pale Dull Purple UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG224 11/2d Slate Purple & Bluish Green UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG297 6d Dull Purple UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SG240 4d Pale Orange UNMOUNTED MINT(244)


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SGO91 & SGO92: 1/2d & 1d ROYAL HOUSEHOLD: Mint: Replicas


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Great Britain Stamp Scott #171, 10p, Light Blue, King Edward, Used, SCV$22.50


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Great Britain SC# 128 & 135 Mint NH/H OG 1902 1p & 6p King Edward Scarlet & Viol


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SG027: £1.00 Dull Blue-Green: I.R. OFFICIAL: Registered London CDS: Replica


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SG266: £1.00 Dull Blue-Green: Mint: Replica


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Great Britain, Scott # 130, Used, F, 2p King Edward VII, 1902, Light Cancel


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APC 3395 Great Britain Used the king 1950=1960s


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Great Britain, Scott # 127-128, Used, F, ½p & 1p King Edward VII, 1902


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